Titre : Dévoiler la magie de L’huile d’argan désodorisée : une histoire d’innovation et d’excellence :
Bienvenue dans notre dernier article de blog où nous sommes ravis de vous présenter un de nos produits, l’Huile d’Argan Désodorisée est un produit révolutionnaire dans le domaine de la cosmétique et des soins naturels. Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous faire voyager à travers l’histoire fascinante de cette huile précieuse, souligner ses avantages incroyables pour la peau, les cheveux, et même la santé, et partager quelques façons créatives de l’intégrer dans votre routine quotidienne.
1 – Histoire de l’huile d’argan désodorisée :
L’huile d’argan désodorisée est un produit naturel précieux qui trouve ses racines dans l’histoire riche et ancienne du Maroc. Extraite des fruits de l’arganier, un arbre endémique de la région sud-ouest du pays, cette huile a été utilisée pendant des siècles par les populations locales pour ses nombreuses vertus, tant dans l’alimentation que dans les soins de beauté.
Traditionnellement, l’huile d’argan est obtenue par un processus artisanal impliquant la récolte des fruits, l’extraction des amandons, et la pression des graines pour en extraire l’huile. Cette huile brute possède une odeur caractéristique, légèrement noisette, qui provient des composés volatils présents dans les graines.
Cependant, pour répondre aux exigences des marchés internationaux et à la demande croissante de produits neutres en odeur, un procédé de désodorisation a été développé. Ce processus, généralement réalisé par filtration par le charbon actif, permet d’éliminer les composés responsables de l’odeur tout en préservant les qualités intrinsèques de l’huile d’argan.
L’huile d’argan désodorisée a ainsi trouvé sa place dans l’industrie cosmétique mondiale, où elle est prisée pour ses propriétés hydratantes, nourrissantes et régénérantes, tout en étant inodore, ce qui la rend idéale pour une utilisation dans une large gamme de produits de soin de la peau et des cheveux. Grâce à cette évolution, l’huile d’argan continue de prospérer sur le marché international tout en restant un symbole de la richesse du patrimoine naturel et culturel marocain.
2 – Les 10 Principaux avantages de l’huile d’argan désodorisée :
Voici les 10 principaux avantages de l’huile d’argan désodorisée :
- Hydratation intense : L’huile d’argan désodorisée est riche en acides gras essentiels et en vitamine E, ce qui en fait un excellent hydratant pour la peau, la maintenant douce et souple.
- Anti-âge : Grâce à ses propriétés antioxydantes, elle aide à réduire les signes du vieillissement en neutralisant les radicaux libres et en améliorant l’élasticité de la peau.
- Nourrit les cheveux : L’huile d’argan désodorisée renforce les cheveux fragiles, les rend plus brillants et réduit les frisottis sans laisser d’odeur, idéale pour les soins capillaires.
- Réparatrice : Elle aide à réparer la peau endommagée, en particulier les zones sèches, craquelées ou irritées, grâce à ses propriétés cicatrisantes.
- Soin des ongles : Appliquée sur les ongles et les cuticules, elle nourrit et fortifie les ongles, les rendant moins cassants.
- Non comédogène : L’huile d’argan désodorisée est légère et pénètre rapidement, ne bouchant pas les pores, ce qui la rend adaptée à tous les types de peau, y compris les peaux grasses ou sujettes à l’acné.
- Protection contre les agressions extérieures : Elle forme une barrière protectrice contre les éléments nocifs tels que la pollution et les rayons UV, protégeant ainsi la peau et les cheveux.
- Apaisante pour les irritations : Ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires en font un excellent choix pour calmer les irritations cutanées, les rougeurs, et les inflammations.
- Compatible avec les parfums : Sans odeur, elle peut être mélangée à d’autres produits ou huiles essentielles sans altérer leur fragrance, ce qui est parfait pour les formulations cosmétiques personnalisées.
- Polyvalente : L’huile d’argan désodorisée peut être utilisée pour une multitude de soins, du visage au corps, en passant par les cheveux et les ongles, tout en offrant les mêmes bienfaits que l’huile d’argan traditionnelle, mais sans l’odeur caractéristique.
3 – Cinq façons créatives d’utiliser l’huile d’argan désodorisée :
Voici cinq façons créatives d’utiliser l’huile d’argan désodorisée :
- Masque capillaire intensif : Mélangez l’huile d’argan désodorisée avec du yaourt nature et du miel pour créer un masque capillaire nourrissant. Appliquez-le sur vos cheveux humides, laissez poser 30 minutes, puis rincez pour des cheveux doux, brillants et revitalisés.
- Baume à lèvres maison : Fabriquez votre propre baume à lèvres en mélangeant de l’huile d’argan désodorisée avec de la cire d’abeille fondue et quelques gouttes d’huile essentielle de menthe poivrée. Ce baume hydratera et protégera vos lèvres, tout en leur donnant une légère sensation de fraîcheur.
- Exfoliant corporel au sucre : Créez un exfoliant naturel en mélangeant de l’huile d’argan désodorisée avec du sucre brun et un peu de jus de citron. Utilisez ce gommage sous la douche pour éliminer les cellules mortes et révéler une peau douce et éclatante.
- Sérum de nuit personnalisé : Ajoutez quelques gouttes d’huile d’argan désodorisée à votre crème de nuit ou sérum préféré pour booster l’hydratation. Vous pouvez également la mélanger avec des huiles essentielles adaptées à votre type de peau pour un traitement sur mesure.
- Soin des cuticules express : Utilisez l’huile d’argan désodorisée comme traitement rapide pour adoucir et nourrir vos cuticules. Appliquez quelques gouttes sur chaque ongle et massez délicatement pour des ongles plus sains et des cuticules souples.
4 – Processus de désodorisation de l’huile d’argan :
La désodorisation de l’huile d’argan bio est un procédé de filtration. C’est un procédé totalement à froid. Il consiste à faire passer l’huile à travers des plaques en charbon actif naturel
Aussi, à travers cette opération, on arrive à fixer les qualités de l’huile et neutraliser les risques éventuels germes. Ainsi Son utilisation dans le domaine de traitement des huiles végétales est relativement récente. L’introduction de cette technique dans le domaine de l’huile d’Argan, fait partie des efforts de recherche développement que nous ne cessons pas de réaliser pour améliorer d’avantage la qualité de notre huile d’Argan bio. Et de plus répondre par la même occasion aux attentes de nos clients professionnels du domaine de la cosmétique.
Pour conclure, L’huile d’argan désodorisée conserve toutes les vertus de l’huile d’argan traditionnelle, tout en étant plus versatile grâce à l’absence de parfum. Elle offre une hydratation intense, des propriétés anti-âges, et s’intègre facilement dans divers soins cosmétiques. En choisissant cette version désodorisée, vous bénéficiez des bienfaits naturels de l’argan sans compromis sur l’odeur.
Informations sur BioProGreen
N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem
Route de Safi
40 000 Marrakech
Tel : +212 524 335 449
MOB : +212 600 604 387 (WhatsApp / Viber)
Fax : +212 524 457 961
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Unveiling the Magic of Argan Oil: A Story of Innovation and Excellence
Welcome to our latest blog post, where we are thrilled to introduce you to argan oil, a revolution in essential oil production. Today, we’ll take you through its history, highlight its incredible benefits, and share some creative ways to use it. Additionally, we have included visually appealing photos and essential documents such as the technical data sheet, the safety data sheet (SDS), and the certificate of analysis for a comprehensive understanding.
Discover BioProGreen’s Argan Oil: A Natural Treasure with Multiple Virtues
History of Argan Oil
Produced equitably and organically in a cooperative in Morocco between the cities of Agadir and Essaouira, it comes from the argan tree and is called “Desert Gold” due to its many cosmetic properties and light yellow color. Known for millennia by Berber women, argan oil softens and protects the skin and hair.
Top 10 Benefits of Argan Oil
Argan oil is renowned for its multiple benefits, both for beauty and health.
- Intense Hydration: Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E, argan oil deeply hydrates the skin, leaving it soft, supple, and nourished. It is particularly effective in treating dry and dehydrated areas.
- Anti-Aging Properties: Thanks to its natural antioxidants, argan oil helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It improves skin elasticity and combats premature aging signs.
- Hair Repair: Argan oil is an excellent treatment for damaged hair. It strengthens hair, reduces frizz, treats split ends, and gives hair shine and softness.
- Nail Care: When applied to nails, argan oil strengthens and nourishes them while hydrating cuticles.
- Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Argan oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe skin irritations, redness, and other conditions.
- Acne Treatment: Unlike some oils, argan oil does not clog pores. Its anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating properties help reduce breakouts and balance sebum production.
- Skin Elasticity Improvement: Argan oil promotes collagen production, improving skin elasticity and firmness. It is ideal for facial and body care.
- Scar Healing and Reduction: Thanks to its regenerative properties, argan oil helps heal wounds and reduce the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and burn marks.
- Lip Care: Argan oil is an excellent natural lip balm. It hydrates and softens dry and chapped lips, protecting them against external aggressions.
- Health Benefits: When used internally, argan oil contributes to cardiovascular health by lowering LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol. It also has antioxidant properties that protect cells against oxidative damage.
5 Creative Ways to Use Argan Oil
Argan oil is versatile and can be innovatively integrated into various beauty and wellness routines.
Type |
Ingredients |
Instructions |
Nourishing Hair Mask |
2 tablespoons argan oil, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 mashed avocado |
Mix the ingredients to obtain a smooth paste. Apply the mixture to damp hair, focusing on the ends. Cover with a shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Rinse and wash your hair as usual. |
Exfoliating Body Scrub |
1 cup brown sugar, ½ cup argan oil, a few drops of lavender essential oil |
Mix the sugar and argan oil until you get a sandy consistency. Add the essential oil for a relaxing scent. Use this scrub in the shower to gently exfoliate your skin, remove dead cells, and simultaneously hydrate. |
Anti-Aging Facial Serum |
1 teaspoon argan oil, 2 drops rosehip oil |
Mix the oils and apply a few drops of this serum to your clean face each evening before bed. This antioxidant-rich serum helps reduce signs of aging and deeply hydrates the skin. |
Revitalizing Foot Bath |
2 tablespoons argan oil, ½ cup Epsom salt, a few drops peppermint essential oil |
Fill a basin with warm water and add the argan oil, Epsom salt, and essential oil. Soak your feet for 20-30 minutes to relax, soften, and revitalize them. Argan oil will hydrate your feet, making them softer. |
Cuticle and Nail Care |
Pure argan oil |
Apply a few drops of pure argan oil to each nail and gently massage. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. This will help nourish and strengthen the nails while hydrating the cuticles, making them less prone to breakage and splitting. |
A Visual Journey Through Argan Oil at BioProGreen
Our high-quality argan oil, sourced from Bioprogreen in Marrakech, is an authentic and certified product that offers a natural and effective solution. This oil is extracted from argan nuts, a tree that grows exclusively in southwestern Morocco. It is 100% pure and cold-pressed to preserve its nutrients and beneficial properties for skin and hair. It is rich in vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants, making it ideal for hydrating, nourishing, and protecting the skin and hair.
- Application on Skin: See how to apply the oil to maximize its benefits.
- Application on Hair: See how to apply the oil to maximize its benefits.
- BioProGreen Argan Oil: Discover the rich and golden texture of our oil.
Argan oil is a gift from nature, enhanced by BioProGreen’s innovation and excellence. By combining tradition and modernity, BioProGreen reveals all the magic of this oil, offering products that naturally and sustainably nourish the skin and hair.
Information about BioProGreen
N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem
Safi Road
40 000 Marrakech, MOROCCO
Tel: +212 524 335 449
MOB: +212 600 604 387 (WhatsApp / Viber)
Fax: +212 524 457 961
Follow Us:
In the heart of nature lies a jewel, ready to revitalize and refresh your beauty routine. Let me introduce you to Exotic Prickly pear seed oil, a powerfulelixir derived from the fragrant, lemony leaves of the Prickly plant. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the countless benefits, versatile applications and spellbinding tales of this remarkable elixir.
Prickly pear seed oil, also known as cactus oil or barbary fig oil, is a natural treasure with numerous benefits. Extracted from the seeds of the prickly pear fruit (Opuntia ficusindica), this precious oil is renowned for its exceptional cosmetic and medicinal properties. Its rich and fascinating history spans centuries and highlights its significance in various cultures around the world.
The prickly pear cactus is native to Mexico, where it was cultivated and used by preColumbian civilizations, especially the Aztecs. The Aztecs were already utilizing the fruits and seeds of the prickly pear for their medicinal and nutritional benefits. With the arrival of Spanish explorers in the 16th century, this plant was introduced to Europe and Mediterranean regions, where it quickly adapted to the favorable climate.
Over the centuries, the prickly pear cactus spread across the arid and semi-arid regions of the Mediterranean basin, North Africa, the Middle East, and even India. In these regions, it became a valuable resource not only for its delicious fruits but also for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. Local populations quickly discovered the benefits of the oil extracted from prickly pear seeds, using it to treat various skin ailments, hydrate, and protect the skin from the sun.
The traditional production of prickly pear seed oil is a laborintensive and demanding process that involves several meticulous stepse. First, the prickly pear fruits are carefully hand-picked from the cactus pads, typically during the late summer months when the fruits are fully ripe. Once harvested, the fruits are sliced open to separate the pulp from the seeds, a process that can be done manually or with specialized tools to ensure the seeds remain intact.
the extracted seeds are then spread out in a thin layer and left to dry naturally under the sun for several days to reduce moisture content, prevent mold growth, and ensure a higher yield of oil. After drying, the seeds are cold-pressed using mechanical presses without applying heat, preserving the oil’s nutritional and cosmetic properties. The freshly pressed oil is then filtered to remove any remaining seed particles or impurities, resulting in a pure, golden-colored oil.
Finally, the filtered oil is carefully poured into dark glass bottles to protect it from light and stored in a cool, dark place, such as a cellar or refrigerator, to maintain its freshness, potency, and shelf life.
1- Intense hydration: Thanks to its high content of essential fatty acids such as omega-6 and omega9, prickly pear seed oil deeply hydrates the skin making it soft and supple.
3-Anti-inflammatory properties: Exotic Verbena Oil reduces inflammation, making it an ideal choice for soothing irritated skin conditions such as acne and eczema.
2-Reduction of dark spots and scars: Prickly pear seed oil is effective in fading dark spots and scars, thanks to its lightening and regenerative properties.
4-Nourishing for Hair: Applied to hair and scalp, it strengthens follicles, promotes growth and adds luxurious shine to hair.
5-Non-Greasy Moisturizer: Despite its rich composition, prickly pear seed oil is lightweight and absorbs quickly, leaving the skin feeling soft and non-greasy.
6-Prickly pear seed oil is renowned for its rich antioxidant content, particularly vitamin E and various phytochemicals. These antioxidants play a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals—unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress and damage to skin cells. By combating oxidative stress, the oil helps to prevent premature aging, reduce the
appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and maintain a youthful, radiant complexion.
7- brightness effects :Regular application of prickly pear seed oil can lead to a more even and brighter skin tone. The oil’s antioxidant properties help to reduce the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and dullness. By inhibiting melanin production and promoting a more uniform skin tone, the oil enhances the overall radiance of the complexion. This brightening effect is particularly beneficial for those looking to achieve a more luminous andvibrant skin appearance.
8- Enhanced Elasticity :The essential fatty acids and nutrients in prickly pear seed oil help to improve skin elasticity, making it more resilient and less prone to sagging. By promoting the production of collagen and elastin, the oil supports the skin’s structural integrity, contributing to a firmer and more toned appearance. Enhanced elasticity also helps to reduce the formation
of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a smoother and more youthful-looking skin.
9-Sun Protection : While prickly pear seed oil is not a substitute for sunscreen, its antioxidant properties offer some level of protection against UV damage. The oil helps to mitigate the effects of sun exposure by neutralizing free radicals generated by UV rays. This additional layer of protection helps to prevent sun-induced skin aging, such as wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Incorporating prickly pear seed oil into your skincare routine can enhance your overall sun protection strategy and support healthier, more resilient skin.
10- last but not least, Anti-aging properties: This oil is rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also promotes cell regeneration and improves skin elasticity.
- Facial Serums: Infuse your favorite facial serum with a few drops of Prickly seed oil to boost hydration and give your skin a radiant glow
- Body Scrubs: Create invigorating body scrubs by mixing Prickly pear seed oil with sugar or salt, gently exfoliating and leaving skin soft and supple.
- Hair masks: Mix Prickly pear seed oilOil with a vegetable oil such as coconut or argan oil to create a luxurious hair mask that strengthens, nourishes and shines your hair.
- Aromatherapy blends: Incorporate Prickly pear seed oil into aromatherapy blends, diffusers or candles to create a serene atmosphere and promote relaxation.
- ideal for sensitive skin it helps reduce the redness and the etchy feeling to give you this smoth glowy look.
Citral: Provides a lemony aroma and antibacterial properties.Geraniol: Known for its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, promoting skin health.
Limonene: Has antimicrobial properties and contributes to the oil’s refreshing aroma.
Citronellal: Provides a lemon-like fragrance and acts as a natural insect repellent.
Myrcene: Enhances the oil’s therapeutic properties and aids relaxation.
In the heart of the sun-drenched deserts of North Africa, where the resilient prickly pear cactus thrives in the arid landscape, lies a tradition handed down from generation to generation. The locals believe in the potent powers of Prickly Pear Seed Oil, a sacred elixir revered for its transformative properties.
Legend has it that a resourceful villager, weary from the harsh desert conditions and plagued by skin ailments, discovered the secret of Prickly Pear Seed Oil. Through careful extraction and traditional methods, the villager created a potion that not only healed her skin but also restored her spirit, infusing it with vitality and radiance. Word of this miraculous elixir spread like wildfire, attracting seekers from far and wide in search of its beautifying virtues. From the bustling souks of Marrakech to the serene hammams of Istanbul, Prickly Pear Seed Oil became a coveted treasure,
cherished for its ability to renew, refresh, and rejuvenate.
Today, as you hold a bottle of Prickly Pear Seed Oil in your hands, remember that you’re holding more than just a beauty product. You hold a piece of ancient wisdom, a testament to the power of nature’s bounty, waiting to unleash your true radiance
In the vast world of skincare, where countless ingredients vie for attention, prickly pear seed oil stands out as a true gem of nature’s bounty. This remarkable oil, derived from the resilient prickly pear cactus, offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond simple moisturization. Its rich composition, including potent antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and unique phytochemicals, contributes to its impressive array of skinenhancing properties. From combating the effects of oxidative stress to providing intense hydration, prickly pear seed oil excels in maintaining and rejuvenating skin health. Its antioxidant-rich profile, featuring vitamin E and other vital nutrients, helps to neutralize free radicals and reduce signs of premature aging. This results in a more youthful and radiant complexion, with diminished fine lines and wrinkles.
The oil’s exceptional ability to deeply hydrate and repair damaged skin makes it an invaluable addition to any skincare regimen. Its essential fatty acids, particularly linoleic acid, provide long-lasting moisture, while its betalains support skin repair and regeneration. These properties are especially beneficial for those dealing with dry, sensitive skin or recovering from skin conditions such as acne scars or
hyperpigmentation. Moreover, prickly pear seed oil’s antiinflammatory and brightening effects contributeto a balanced, even skin tone and a soothing relief from irritation. Its non-greasy, lightweighttexture ensures that it suits all skin types, including oily and combination skin, making it a versatile choice for daily use.
Information about BioProGreen
N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem
Safi Road
40 000 Marrakech
Tel:+212 524 335 449
MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)
Fax:+212 524 457 961
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A Natural Ally for Your Well-Being
Dive into the fascinating world of tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), a precious essence with multiple health and beauty benefits. Its history dates back thousands of years when the indigenous peoples of Australia used tea tree leaves for their medicinal properties. Today, this essential oil has become a staple in the field of aromatherapy and natural care. Let’s uncover its many secrets and how it can transform your daily life.
(Melaleuca alternifolia)
Tea tree oil is much more than an essence; it’s a true treasure of nature!
Antimicrobial Properties:
One of the most recognized uses of tea tree oil is its antimicrobial action. It can help fight various bacteria, viruses, and fungi, making it useful in treating wounds and skin infections.
Acne Treatment:
Tea tree oil is often used to treat acne due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce the number and severity of acne lesions.
Oral Health Support:
Due to its antimicrobial effects, tea tree oil can be effective in improving oral health by reducing dental plaque, combating gingivitis, and even freshening breath.
Treatment of Fungal Infections:
The oil can be effective against fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, onychomycosis (nail fungus), and pityriasis versicolor, a fungal infection of the skin.
Tea tree oil can help reduce skin inflammatory reactions, making it useful in treating inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
Dandruff and Hair Health Management:
Due to its antifungal and moisturizing properties, tea tree oil can help reduce dandruff and improve overall scalp condition.
Respiratory Conditions Support:
When inhaled, tea tree oil can help decongest the airways and alleviate symptoms of coughs, colds, and other respiratory conditions.
The Secrets of Tea Tree Oil Revealed – Discover Its Incredible Benefits !
- Add a few drops to your shampoo for a healthy scalp and shiny hair.
- Dilute the oil in water to create a natural cleansing spray for your home.
- Apply topically to acne pimples to dry them out quickly.
- Mix with coconut oil to soothe sunburn and skin irritations.
- Use in a footbath to soothe tired feet and fight fungal infections.
Tea tree oil is much more than just an essence: it’s a real treasure of nature. With its many health benefits and uses, it deserves a special place in your natural skin care kit. Discover the wonders of tea tree oil today and let yourself be seduced by its healing properties.
Tea tree oil holds no secrets for you!
Don’t wait any longer to enjoy the benefits of tea tree oil. Visit our website to discover our special promotions and start transforming your skincare routine today.
Quick Details
Minimum Quantity: 5 liters / liters
Supply Capacity: 20,000 liters / liters per week
Port: Casablanca / Tanger MED / Agadir
Payment Terms: L / C, T / T, Western Union, MoneyGram, PAYPAL
Delivery Time: 15 days after confirmation of all details and deposit
Argan Oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml, 125ml, in PET plastic with pump
250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters, 25 liters, 33 Liters in plastic with cap, Argan oil can be in 40ml, 60ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500 ml in clear or tinted glass bottles
Origin: Morocco
Form: Oil
Use: Body, face, and hair
Type of Supply: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing)
Brand: BioProGreen or private labeling
Price: factory departure
Cultivation Type: Organic
Main Ingredient: tea tree oil
FOB Price: Contact us
Product Information:
– Click here to download: The safety data sheet for tea tree oil Melaleuca alternifolia pdf
– Click here to download: THE PRODUCT REPORT pdf
Contact Us
Product available for private labeling, contact us for more information: BioProGreen
A Comprehensive Guide to Morocco’s Liquid Gold Company
Introduction :
Argan oil, also known as “liquid gold,” has become incredibly popular in recent years due to its numerous benefits for skin, hair, and overall health. Extracted from the kernels of the argan tree native to Morocco, this luxurious oil has been used for centuries by locals for its healing and cosmetic properties. However, with countless companies now offering argan oil products, it can be challenging to determine which one is right for you. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key factors to consider when selecting an argan oil company and highlight some of the best options available on the market.
The Argan oil is prized for its health and beauty benefits. Companies that produce it play a crucial role in bringing it to the global market. Rooted in traditional Moroccan cooperatives, they work tirelessly to sustainably source and produce high-quality argan oil. Their efforts empower local communities, preserve the argan tree, and maintain traditional techniques. These companies offer remarkable beauty products while supporting long-term sustainability and well-being.
Argan oil is known for its many benefits for both the skin and hair. Rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, this oil can help to moisturize and hydrate the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also help to reduce inflammation and redness, making it a great choice for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin. When used on the hair, argan oil can help to improve shine and manageability, while also protecting against damage from heat styling and environmental factors. With its many benefits, it’s no wonder that argan oil has become such a popular ingredient in the beauty industry.
Means of use
Toil is a versatile oil that can be used to improve the health and appearance of skin, hair, and nails. Apply a few drops to the face or body to hydrate and moisturize the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Apply to the ends of hair as a treatment to improve shine and manageability while protecting from damage. Apply a drop to each nail to strengthen and hydrate nails and cuticles. Incorporating argan oil into your beauty routine is a must.
Argan oil is a plant-based oil that is extracted from the kernels of the argan tree, which is native to Morocco. This oil has been used for centuries for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. Now it’s a popular ingredient in many beauty products. Argan oil is rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and vitamin E, making it a nourishing and hydrating oil for both the skin and hair. Its lightweight texture allows it to absorb quickly into the skin and hair, without leaving a greasy residue. Argan oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it a great choice for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin. With its many benefits and versatile uses, argan oil is a must-have in any beauty routine.
To package argan oil, choose a material that protects against light and air. Dark glass bottles with secure caps or droppers are popular choices. Eco-friendly refill pouches are also available. Choose brands that prioritize functionality and sustainability when selecting an argan oil product.
FAQ about Argan Oil produced in companies
1) How can I get samples?
First of all, we are pleased to offer you samples. For new customers, it should be noted that the postage must be paid, while the samples are free. These costs will be deducted from the official order payment. As for the courier costs, it is possible to arrange a RPI (remote pickup) service on carriers such as FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc.
2) How does your company perform in terms of quality control?
Quality is a priority for our factory! Every worker ensures quality control from the beginning to the end. For example, all raw materials used are environmentally friendly and skilled workers take care of every detail by hand, whether it is the stamping, printing, sewing or packaging process. In addition, a quality control department is specifically responsible for quality control in each process.
3) Can your company print or emboss my logo on the goods?
Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packaging box. However, it is important to provide an attorney letter (letter of authorization) for the logo in order to comply with patents. Generally, we produce the goods based on the samples provided by the customers or based on the image, logo, sizes, etc.
Argan Oil
N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem, Route de Safi, 40 000 Marrakech , MOROCCO
Tel:+212 524 335 449
MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / viber )
Fax:+212 524 457 961
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