Anti-Acne Cream 60ml
Anti-Acne Cream 60ml
Our anti-acne cream is a clinically proven formula that effectively treats acne, pimples, blackheads, ingrown hairs, whiteheads, zits, and bumps. It contains a unique, highly effective blend of alpha hydroxy acids and rich emollients that provides gentle exfoliation to the skin and stimulates cellular regeneration. It is indeed the most effective cream to help your skin feel baby soft again. it is specially formulated to moisturize your skin while gently healing acne and eliminating dark spots.
Bioprogreen anti-acne cream is prepared in Morocco with 100% natural organic base products. The skin care products used are mainly based on argan, cactus, and prickly pear. Anti-acne cream by BioProgreen is highly recommended by dermatologic and specialists. It helps normalize sebum and reduce how much is produced. It helps prevent follicles from becoming clogged and decreases the number of bacteria on the skin. Also, It reduces redness and swelling in and around spots. Spot treatments are usually used at bedtime, so after you cleanse, tone, and apply moisturizer, then use the treatment on your spot and leave it overnight.
Oriental Group
N°200 Lot Elmassar,Sidi Ghanem Industrial Estate
Route de Safi
40 000 Marrakech
Tel: +212 524 335 449
MOB : +212 600 604 387
Fax:+212 524 457 961