Pepper essential oil

Pepper essential oil

PEPPER ESSENTIAL OIL PEPPER ESSENTIAL OIL The essential oil which is obtained from black pepper is known as black pepper essential oil. The oil has got all of the primary ingredients of black pepper, together with the extra advantage that it’s volatile and could be...
Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

The Captivating History of Our Moroccan Peppermint Essential Oil

For generations, the sunlit hills of Morocco have been renowned for their lush cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants—a precious heritage passed down from father to son. Among these natural treasures, peppermint stands out with its fresh and invigorating scent, a true symbol of the botanical richness of our region. It is here, in the heart of these verdant fields that our journey began.

We embarked on a fascinating voyage in close collaboration with local farmers, keepers of ancestral knowledge. Together, we rediscovered and preserved the secrets of peppermint distillation, a traditional technique passed down through the ages. This artisanal method, meticulously perfected over generations, allows us to extract the pure essence of the plant while preserving its exceptional therapeutic properties.

By respecting the rhythms of nature and valuing local craftsmanship, we are committed to producing peppermint essential oil of unparalleled quality—a true concentrate of well-being. Each drop reflects the harmony between man and nature, a delicate balance that we strive to protect for future generations. Thus, our peppermint essential oil embodies not only the benefits of a plant with numerous virtues but also the history and tradition of a region where nature reigns supreme.






The Top 10 Benefits of Our Peppermint Essential Oil


Headache Relief : Apply a few drops to your temples for a soothing and refreshing effect.

Enhanced Concentration: Diffuse the oil in your workspace to stimulate your mind and boost mental clarity.

Anti-Inflammatory: Ideal for reducing skin inflammation and soothing irritations.

Antimicrobial: Effective against bacteria and fungi, promoting better hygiene.

Digestive Support: A drop in water can help soothe digestive discomfort and support intestinal health.

Muscle Pain Relief: Blend with a carrier oil and massage onto sore muscles for relief and relaxation.

Stress Reduction: Its refreshing aroma helps reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

Hair Care: Add a few drops to your shampoo for a healthy, revitalized scalp.

Energizing: Perfect for an instant boost of energy, providing freshness and vitality.

Insect Repellent: Naturally repellent, it helps keep mosquitoes and other insects at bay.

Five Creative Ways to Use Our Peppermint Essential Oil


Revitalizing Bath: Add 5 to 10 drops to your bath for a refreshing and invigorating experience.

Refreshing Spray: Mix the oil with water in a spray bottle to freshen up your home or office.

Natural Deodorant: Make a homemade deodorant by blending the oil with coconut oil and baking soda.

Household Cleaner: Add a few drops to your cleaning solution to disinfect and add a pleasant fragrance to your space.

Lip Care: Combine the oil with beeswax and coconut oil to create a soothing lip balm.

Integration of Technical Data and Certifications


We take the quality and safety of our peppermint essential oil very seriously. That’s why each bottle of BioProGreen Peppermint Oil comes with detailed Technical Data Sheets (TDS), Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and Certificates of Analysis (COA). These documents ensure that our customers are informed about the product’s quality and safety. They provide essential information on the properties, composition, safe usage methods, and emergency measures, reflecting our commitment to transparency and trust.


Our Moroccan Peppermint Essential Oil embodies the excellence of our craftsmanship and respect for ancestral traditions. Designed to meet the demands of professionals, it offers unparalleled quality that will enhance your products and services. Whether for therapeutic applications, cosmetic formulations, or aromatic solutions, our peppermint essential oil is a strategic choice to enrich your offerings and meet your clients’ expectations. Trust our expertise and integrate our product into your processes for optimal results.




Discovering the magic of Peppermint Essential Oil: A story of  Innovation and Excellence

Discovering the magic of Peppermint Essential Oil: A story of Innovation and Excellence

Welcome to our blog where we are going to introduce you to one of our flagship
products called peppermint essential oil. The latter, with its recognizable fresh and
minty fragrance, is much more than just an aromatic plant. Its essential oil,
concentrated in benefits, is a true treasure of nature with multiple uses. Find out why
this oil deserves a place of choice in your natural first aid kit!

1. The History of Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint essential oil is obtained by distilling the plant Mentha piperita, a hybrid
mint resulting from the cross between water mint (Mentha aquatica) and spearmint
(Mentha spicata). The exact origin of this natural hybridization is not known, but it is
believed to have occurred in Europe several centuries ago. Peppermint is then
grown in many parts of the world.

2. Top 10 Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil
 Digestion:
 Relieves digestive disorders: indigestion, bloating, nausea, stomach aches
 Stimulates digestion and appetite
 Promotes bile production
 Respiratory:
 Decongests the respiratory tract
 Relieves colds, sinusitis, bronchitis
 Soothes coughs and asthma
 Facilitates breathing
 Pain:
 Alleviates headaches, migraines and neuralgia
 Relieves muscle and joint pain
 Reduces inflammation
 Soothes itching
Energy and concentration:
 Stimulates the nervous system
 Fights fatigue and weariness
 Improves concentration and memory
 Gives a boost
Freshness and breath:
 Freshens breath and fights bad breath
 Tonic and astringent, it tones the skin and scalp
 Soothes skin irritations
Oral health:
 Relieves toothache and irritated gums
 Strengthens gums
Emotional well-being:
 Reduces stress and anxiety
 Fights insomnia and promotes quality sleep
 Provides a sense of calm and serenity
 Increases self-confidence
 Home use:
 Purifies the air and repels insects
 Naturally disinfects and deodorizes
 Repels rodents
Nail care:
 The antifungal qualities of peppermint oil are very well analyzed, and there is
considerable research that exposes peppermint oil, whenever applied
externally, can help eliminate the likelihood of nail fungal infection, which
affects many people worldwide.
 Others:
 Stimulates blood circulation
 Strengthens the immune system
 Tones muscles

3. Here are five tips for using peppermint
Ø Topical application: Dilute 2 drops of peppermint essential oil in 10 drops of
vegetable oil (such as jojoba or coconut oil) and gently massage into the
temples and forehead.
Ø Inhalation: Add 3 drops of peppermint essential oil to a bowl of hot water, lean
over the bowl and inhale the steam for a few minutes.
Ø Oral: Dilute 1 drop of peppermint essential oil in 1 teaspoon of honey or on a
neutral sugar and take it after the meal. Do not ingest more than 3 drops per
Ø Massage: Dilute 3 drops of peppermint essential oil in 10 drops of vegetable oil
and massage the painful area.
Ø Diffusion: Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your aromatherapy
diffuse to keep mosquitoes, flies, and other pests away.

4.Some illustrations of peppermint


5.In-depth product information
To give you the full picture, we have included the Jojoba Oil Data Sheet, MSDS, and
Certificate of Analysis here. These documents provide detailed specifications, safety
information, and quality assurances, ensuring you have all the necessary data at your
To conclude, it can be said that peppermint essential oil is a versatile natural product
with many health and wellness benefits. Its simple and accessible use makes it a
valuable asset in everyone’s aromatherapy kit.



Information about BioProGreen
BioPro Green
N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem, Route de Safi, 40 000 Marrakech,
Tel: +212 524 335 449
MOB: +212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp/viber)
Fax: +212 524 457 961
Contact Us
Follow US:

Discover apricot kernel oil and its essentials.

Peppermint Essential Oil: A Story of Innovation and Excellence

Peppermint Essential Oil: A Story of Innovation and Excellence

Discover Peppermint Essential Oil: A Story of Innovation and Excellence

A Journey into Tradition: The Epic of BioProGreen’s Peppermint Essential Oil

The story of BioProGreen’s peppermint essential oil begins in the heart of fertile lands and temperate climates, where peppermint thrives naturally. For ages, this aromatic plant has been revered for its refreshing and invigorating properties. Drawing inspiration from this rich history, BioProGreen set out to capture the essence of this remarkable plant to create a 100% pure and certified organic peppermint essential oil. This product is designed to elevate personal care rituals and bring well-being and vitality to modern users.


The Top 10 Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil

1. Refreshing Effect: Peppermint essential oil provides an instant cooling sensation when inhaled or applied to the skin, making it an ideal choice for cooling down in hot weather.

2. Mental Stimulation: Its strong aroma enhances concentration, alertness, and mental clarity, offering valuable support during periods of mental fatigue or low motivation.

3. Headache Relief: With its analgesic and vasodilatory properties, it can help alleviate headaches and migraines when applied topically to the temples or inhaled.

4. Digestive Improvement: By ingesting a small amount of diluted peppermint essential oil or massaging it onto the abdomen, it can relieve digestive issues such as bloating and nausea.

5. Respiratory Relief: Its decongestant properties make it an effective natural remedy for relieving respiratory problems like nasal congestion and cough, promoting easier breathing.

6. Natural Antimicrobial: It possesses antimicrobial properties that can help fight bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, thus strengthening the immune system.

7. Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Its refreshing scent soothes the nervoussystem, thereby reducing stress, anxiety, and mental tension.

8. Muscle Pain Relief: Valued for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it eases muscle and joint pain when used in massage.

9. Concentration Enhancement: Inhaling its scent during study or work periods helps improve concentration, alertness, and memory.

1. Skin and Hair Care: Due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, it is used in skin and hair care products to purify the skin, tighten pores, and refresh the scalp.

Five Creative Ways to Use Peppermint Essential Oil

1. Refreshing Face Spray: Mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle and use it to mist your face for an instant cooling sensation, especially in hot weather or when you need a quick boost.

2. Relaxing Bath: Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your bath for a revitalizing and soothing soak. The steam will release the refreshing peppermint scent, providing a moment of relaxation and well being.

3. Aroma Diffuser: Use an essential oil diffuser to disperse the invigorating aroma of peppermint throughout your home or workspace. This can help purify the air, stimulate concentration, and create an energizing atmosphere.

4. Homemade Lip Balm: Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a base of coconut oil or shea butter to create a refreshing and moisturizing homemade lip balm. It will keep your lips soft and hydrated while providing a cooling sensation.

5. Natural Air Purifier: Mix peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle and use it to deodorize and purify the air in your home. Spray it in rooms where you want to eliminate bad odors and create a fresh and revitalizing ambiance.


Technical Data Integration and Certifications

Each bottle of BioProGreen Peppermint Oil comes with detailed technical data sheets (TDS), safety data sheets (MSDS), and certificates of analysis (COA), ensuring our customers of the quality and safety of our product. These documents are essential for informing our users about the properties, composition, safe usage methods, and emergency measures, reflecting our commitment to transparency and trust.



BioProGreen Peppermint Essential Oil is not just a product; it’s a promise of well-being and environmental respect, designed for those seeking a return to more natural and authentic care solutions. Embrace the purity of nature with BioProGreen!

Information from BioProGreen 


N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem

Safi Road

40 000 Marrakech


Tel:+212 524 335 449

MOB :+212 600 604 387 (WhatsApp / Viber)

Fax:+212 524 457 961

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Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Due to its richness in menthol, Peppermint Essential Oil has a highly refreshing action and remarkable analgesic properties, which give it a place as the first choice in the first aid kit for families or athletes: Peppermint is indeed an essential oil essential during shocks, blows or painful stings. It is also used to relieve headaches and migraines, improve digestion, unclog the nose, counter nausea and fight bad breath.


Whatever the use of Peppermint Essential Oil, it is preferable to dilute it in vegetable oil to limit the risk of skin irritation, reduce the smell which can be heady, and avoid an excessive cold effect.

History of Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is a hybrid plant, that is to say, the result of a cross between water mint and another species of mint. Its origin dates back to ancient times: it would probably have emerged in a vast region encompassing northern Africa, the Mediterranean basin, and western Asia. The Egyptians, Hebrews, and ancient Greeks already knew it and used it for its therapeutic properties.


Today, like spearmint, peppermint is grown on a large scale, but other more marginal varieties such as pineapple mint or lemon mint (Bergamot) are also enjoying some success.


Properties of Peppermint Essential Oil


When to use Peppermint Essential Oil?


-Pain relieved by cold (trauma, blows, bruises, sprains, strains, punctures)

-Migraines and headaches

-Nausea, motion sickness

-Digestive disorders (spasms, dyspepsia, bloating, irritable bowel, colitis, bad breath)

-Heavy or swollen legs

-Concentration, fatigue


Pain and itching


Menthol gives Peppermint Essential Oil great pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Just like the cold, menthol indeed activates the thermal receptors of the skin, which leads to deep analgesia (relief of pain). The Thermo receptors implicated are the TRPM8 receptors sensitive to cold temperatures and involved in the processes of inflammation, pain, and itching (pruritus). This analgesic (anti-pain) property has been verified experimentally on a model of chronic neuropathic pain.


As soon as there is pain, redness, heat, or itching (pruritus), Peppermint Essential Oil will relieve you.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Headaches and migraines


Whatever the origin of the headaches (hepatic, vascular, infectious origin), Peppermint Essential Oil can reduce or even relieve pain.


In the case of migraines and headaches, the essential oil of Peppermint is used in the local application (ideally diluted, max 10%), on the areas of the forehead, the temples, and the sinuses. After application, massage these areas insistently with your fingertips, ideally on acupuncture points.


Digestive disorders


With regard to digestive disorders, peppermint first of all promotes gastric emptying: the stomach empties more quickly, which relieves the feelings of distension of the stomach and can be useful in case of gastric sourness.


Added to this are spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory, and carminative (anti-flatulence) properties which give Peppermint a clinically proven action on several digestive ailments such as:


  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Intestinal spasms
  • Functional dyspepsia (digestive disorders which are generally manifested by pain in the stomach, and bloating)
  • Inflammatory bowel pain: in combination with caraway essential oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil is also useful for managing nausea.


It also has an action on the gallbladder: Peppermint Essential Oil, due to its choleretic properties and its relaxing action on the sphincters, will also be of interest in cases of biliary insufficiency.


ENT disorders


We must consider on the one hand the action of menthol which allows a relaxation of the respiratory tracts when they are contracted, on the other hand the anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and refreshing properties of Peppermint, and we obtain a remarkable essential oil to relieve ENT ailments, in synergy with other anti-infectious essential oils of course.


Other indications

Decreased vigilance and emotional shock

Peppermint Essential Oil will give you a “boost” in case of:


  • Mental and physical fatigue, driving, loss of concentration
  • Stage fright, anxiety, chest tightness, intense fear

Peppermint Essential Oil

Branding and Package Design of Peppermint Essential Oil


Oriental Group provides a complete branding service for clients wishing to penetrate their domestic markets using their very own Essential Oil Wholesale.




We have many varieties of bottles and containers at our disposal, of course the client may supply their own, or can send us a sample for us to mass produce.




The client can supply their own label or have one produced for them by our team of designers, we can design exactly to your specifications.




We can supply casing solutions to meet any specifications ranging from customized design cases, case printed designs and other custom requirements.


Please contact us with your requirements.


Further, you may please note that we have the strengths and capabilities to deliver international-quality of Essential Oil. Our additional strength to day is excellent logistic control system, which facilitates faster order processing and shipment. We have even automatized most of the production chain to ensure faster production and accuracy.

FAQ Peppermint Essential Oil:


  1. How can I get some samples?


  1. We are honored to offer you samples. New clients are expected to pay for the courier cost, the samples are free for you, and this charge will be deducted from the payment for the formal order.


  1. Regarding the courier cost: You can arrange an RPI (remote pick-up) service with FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc. To have the samples collected, or inform us of your DHL collection account. Then you can pay the freight direct to your local carrier company.


  1. What does your Peppermint Essential Oil do regarding quality control?


  1. Quality is a priority! Every worker keeps the QC from the very beginning to the very end:


All raw materials we used are environmental-friendly.


  1. Skillful workers care about every detail in handling the stamping, printing, stitching, and packing process.


  1. Quality control department is specially responsible for quality checking in each process.


  1. Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods?


  1. Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packing box, for patent protection purposes, a letter of attorney (letter of authorization) shall be provided for the logo.


  1. We usually produce goods based on customers’ samples or based on customers’ pictures, logos, sizes, etc. detail information design for customers.


Company Information:

Oriental Group

N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem

Route de Safi

40 000 Marrakech



Tel: +212 524 335 449

MOB: +212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)

Fax: +212 524 457 961


E-mail :