Thyme essential oil

Thyme essential oil

THYME ESSENTIAL OIL Thyme Essential Oil Benefits Thyme essential oil has been in use since the time of the Romans. Both red and white thyme oils are manufactured commercially and are in products ranging from cough drops to perfumes. White thyme oil is made by...
Essential oil factory

Essential oil factory

Essential oil factory

More information

Essential oil factories are specialized facilities in the production of these aromatic substances. These factories harvest, distill, and produce essential oils from aromatic plants such as lavender, rosemary, thyme, mint, chamomile, and many others. Essential oils have numerous applications in the cosmetics industry, perfumes, alternative medicine, cleaning products, and well-being.

The process of manufacturing essential oils

The process of manufacturing essential oils begins with the harvesting of aromatic plants. Firstly, the plants are either handpicked or collected using special machinery to preserve their quality. Once harvested, the plants are then transported to the essential oil factory. Here, they undergo a series of steps. To start with, the plants are sorted, cleaned, and crushed to release the aromatic molecules.

Following the preparation stage, the distillation process is employed to extract the essential oils from the plants. There are various methods of distillation that can be utilized. These include steam distillation, dry distillation, or cold-press expression. The specific distillation method chosen depends on the type of plant being used and the desired type of essential oil being produced.

Advantages of essential oil factories

There are numerous advantages of essential oil factories. Firstly, these facilities allow for the production of large quantities of high-quality essential oils while adhering to quality and safety standards. Moreover, essential oil factories can also provide local employment opportunities in rural areas where aromatic plants are cultivated.
Additionally, essential oil factories can help preserve aromatic plants and protect the environment. By sourcing plants directly from local farmers, essential oil factories encourage the cultivation of aromatic plants in areas where monoculture can be harmful to the environment.


In conclusion, essential oil factories are specialized facilities in the production of aromatic substances. Moreover, their manufacturing process involves harvesting, distilling, and producing high-quality essential oils from aromatic plants. Additionally, the advantages of essential oil factories include the production of large quantities of high-quality essential oils. Furthermore, they contribute to the creation of local employment and the protection of the environment.

More information


1) How can I get samples?

To get samples of our products, just contact us and we will be happy to offer you some. For new customers, courier costs will be charged, but samples will be free. In addition, these costs will be deducted from the official order payment. To arrange an RPI (remote pickup) service on FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc., please contact us and we will help you arrange this.

2) How does your factory perform in terms of quality control?

In our factory, quality is our top priority. We have strict quality controls in place at every stage of the manufacturing process to ensure that all our products are environmentally friendly and meet the highest standards. In addition, all workers are trained to ensure quality control, whether in the stamping, printing, sewing, or packaging process. Finally, our quality control department is specifically responsible for quality control in each process.

3) Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods?

We are happy to personalize our products with your logo or other distinctive marks. We can print your logo on the goods or their packaging box, depending on your needs. For patent protection reasons, we usually require a letter of permission for the logo, but we can also produce the goods based on customer samples or on the image, logo, sizes, etc. Contact us for more information on customizing our products.

Information about BioProGreen

BioPro Green

 N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem,  Route de Safi, 40 000 Marrakech , MOROCCO

Tel:+212 524 335 449
MOB:+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)
Fax:+212 524 457 961

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Fournisseur HUILES ESSENTIELLES, VÉGÉTALES ET PARFUMS & exportation d'huile essentielle de menthe poivrée


Savory Essential Oil

Savory Essential Oil

Major oil of aromatherapy, it has powerful purifying effects and is often recommended as an accompaniment during infectious episodes. It is also known for its stimulating properties which are very useful in case of fatigue.


History of Savory Essential Oil


Don’t be fooled by its nickname: “Devil’s weed” is not really demonic. This is the nickname given to it by Westerners in the Middle Ages because of its aphrodisiac properties. Much later, during the Second World War, this time it took the nickname “pepperette” because it was a good substitute for pepper, which had become rare in these times of scarcity.


Today, it is found fresh in the markets or more commonly in the form of ground dried herbs that are added to cooked dishes at the end of their cooking. But to really benefit from its therapeutic virtues, its essential oil is much more suitable. Cultivated mainly in European countries, it is also used in the manufacture of toothpaste.


Properties of Savory Essential Oil


The properties of Savory Essential Oil are explained by the presence of active compounds originally present in the flowering twigs of Satureja montana ssp montana carvacrolifera.

  • For health


Anti-infectious and antibacterial

Oils that contain monoterpene phenols such as thymol and carvacrol are all bactericides, virucides, fungicides, parasiticides, tonics, but be careful because they are also caustic when applied locally to the skin and mucous membranes. The monoterpenes contained in the oil complete their action synergistically.


Immune stimulant

The richness of the oil in phenols (carvacrol and thymol in particular) makes it an outstanding immune stimulant. They increase the amount of CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and phagocytosis.


General, physical and sexual tonic

Thanks to its richness in monoterpenes and monoterpene phenols, Savory Essential Oil is a general tonic and stimulant for the body. This property is explained by the stimulation of the adrenal cortex. It is known to fight against fatigue and improve mental and sexual functions.


Other properties:

  • Hypertensive
  • Analgesic
  • Circulatory tonic

Savory Essential Oil

  • For the well-being


Psychically stimulating and energizing

Thymol influences the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It allows a general stimulation of the organism.



Thanks to thymol and carvacrol, it is a slightly antidepressant oil, that is to say capable of interacting with the level and functioning of certain neurotransmitters involved in depression.


Indications of Savory Essential Oil


Thanks to the many properties described above, savory oil has multiple indications.

  • For health


Immune deficiencies

The contribution of Savory Essential Oil to the antioxidant system and its immunostimulant capacity make it possible to globally increase the immune response to external aggressions. It can be used in case of viral or bacterial infections, epidemics, physical fatigue, tropical fever (malaria, typhus).


Skin infections

As a powerful anti-infective, Savory Essential Oil can treat dermatoses of infectious and parasitic origin (mycosis, scabies, abscess).


Digestive disorders

Thanks to the tonic properties of savory and its anti-infective power, its oil is used to treat infectious diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal fermentation and intestinal infections (dysentery, amoebiasis, malaria).


ENT and respiratory disorders

The anti-infectious properties of savory oil allow it to be used in the treatment of many disorders affecting the ENT sphere:

  • Angina
  • Bronchitis
  • Flu
  • Laryngitis
  • Tracheitis

  • For the well-being


  • Anxiety
  • Trust (lack)
  • Latent, seasonal depression
  • Ordeal, hard blow
  • Intellectual, nervous and/or physical fatigue
  • Sexual fatigue, low libido
  • Chilliness
  • Sadness, melancholy, nostalgia, dark thoughts


Use of Savory Essential Oil


    Savory Essential Oil can be used in very different ways for a wide spectrum of illnesses and symptoms. Nevertheless, in case of doubt, it is recommended to contact a professional in order to collect personalized and secure information, adapted to your medical situation, your profile and your age.

  • Cutaneous application, massage


Because of its significant dermocausticity, Savory Essential Oil must be strongly diluted (5 to 10% maximum). In addition, it is essential to carry out a skin test beforehand at the level of the bend of the elbow. If the skin becomes warm and/or red, the dilution should be increased until there is no reaction.


For all respiratory infections: dilute a drop of essential oil with at least nine drops of vegetable oil, then apply and massage the arch of the foot.

For digestive disorders: dilute in vegetable oil and massage the abdomen.


Precautions for using Savory Essential Oil


Savory Essential Oil is strictly contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women and in children under 15 years of age.


At high doses or in the repeated application, Savory Essential Oil is toxic to the liver. It is therefore contraindicated in the case of hepatic disorders. When taken internally, it must be, imperatively, on the advice of a specialist.


Finally, people prone to hypertension should use it with caution.


Warning: The properties and indications mentioned in this sheet are based on a body of research that presents a traditional use of the essential oil, recognized by experts in aromatherapy.


Nevertheless, it is still recommended for the use of essential oils to contact an aromatherapy professional in order to collect personalized and secure information, adapted to your medical situation, your profile and your age.


Branding and Package Design of Savory Essential Oil


Oriental Group provides a complete branding service for client wishing to penetrate their domestic markets using their very own Savory Essential Oil Wholesale.




We have many varieties of bottles and containers at our disposal, of course the client may supply their own, or can send us a sample for us to mass produce.




The client can supply their own label or have one produced for them by our team of designers, we can design exactly to your specifications.




We can supply casing solutions to meet any specifications ranging from customized design cases, case printed designs and other custom requirements.


Please contact us with your requirements.


Further, you may please note that we have the strengths and capabilities to deliver international quality of Savory Essential Oil. Our additional strength to day is excellent logistic control system, which facilitates faster order processing and shipment. We have even automatized most of the production chain to ensure faster production and accuracy.


FAQ Savory Essential Oil:


  1. How can I get some samples?


  1. We are honoured to offer you samples. New clients are expected to pay for the courier cost, the samples are free for you, and this charge will be deducted from the payment for formal order.


  1. Regarding the courier cost: You can arrange a RPI (remote pick-up) service upon FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc. To have the samples collected; or inform us your DHL collection account. Then you can pay the freight direct to your local carrier company.


  1. How does your Savory Essential Oil do regarding quality control?


  1. Quality is priority! Every worker keeps the QC from the very beginning to the very end:


All raw material we used are environmental-friendly.


  1. Skilful workers care every detail in handing the stamping, printing, stitching, packing process.


  1. Quality control department especially responsible for quality checking in each process.


  1. Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods?


  1. Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packing box, for patent protection purpose, a letter of attorney (letter of authorization) shall be provided for the logo.


  1. We usually produce goods based on customer’s samples or based on customers’ picture, logo, and sizes etc. detail information design for customers.


Company Information:

Oriental Group

N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem

Route de Safi

40 000 Marrakech



Tel: +212 524 335 449

MOB: +212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)

Fax: +212 524 457 961

Website :

E-mail :


Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano Essential Oil

The essential oil of Oregano is best known for its very powerful broad-spectrum anti-infective activity, which has earned it or its main compound, carvacrol, to be very widely studied today. As soon as an infection or superinfection, severe or repeated, sets in, Oregano can be part of an aromatic anti-infective and immunostimulant treatment.


We know a little less about its other anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant and anti-tumor properties, which also hold a promising future for it in clinical aromatherapy in other indications such as the prevention of asthma or the prevention of cancer.


With regard to the use of the essential oil of Oregano, only a seasoned person in aromatherapy will be able to consider its use locally: it will then always be necessary to strongly dilute it in vegetable oil, under penalty, if not, to feel a very unpleasant feeling of irritation, even burning. For the oral route, in order to protect the mucous membranes, it is preferable to consume the essential oil of Oregano in capsule form. You can buy ready-made capsules or ask your pharmacist to prepare capsules for you.

Oregano Essential Oil

History of Oregano Essential Oil


Native to Asia and the Mediterranean basin, oregano belongs to the same botanical genus as marjoram. It was used by the Egyptians to embalm their dead and appease the gods, before becoming a herb known to aid digestion in Ancient Rome.


Today, oregano enjoys very good popularity in the kitchen and has completely erased its cousin, marjoram, even though its flavor is less fine and less rich. An essential oil that is highly appreciated in the food industry as well as in perfumery and therapeutically is obtained from it.


On the other hand, from a nutritional point of view, it is much more interesting to use fresh Oregano…

Oregano Essential Oil

Use of Oregano Essential oil


  • Severe infectious disorders of any type
    • ENT, respiratory
    • Digestive
    • Urinary
    • Gynecological


  • Prevention
    • Asthma


  • Severe skin disorders
    • Rebellious infectious dermatitis (fungal, or bacterial)
    • Rebellious acne


Infectious disorders


Oregano essential oil is the most powerful essential oil to fight against bacterial, and fungal germs, protozoa, and other internal parasites.


In humans, as in animals, many studies attest to this anti-infective power. It will be effective on many grams + or, more rarely, gram – bacteria, as well as on yeasts.


It has also shown its effectiveness on antibiotic-resistant, fungal, or bacterial germs, as well as on bacterial biofilms.


Carvacrol, often present at more than 60% in oregano essential oils, is the compound mainly responsible for this anti-microbial action, an action that thymol, in a smaller quantity, will reinforce.


Benefits of carvacrol and thymol

The predominantly hydrophobic and slightly hydrophilic nature of these two molecules allows them to both:


  • To interact effectively with microbial hydrophobic structures, and thus inhibit or destroy these same microbes
  • And to penetrate into more hydrophilic environments such as bacterial or fungal biofilms: to simplify, there are populations of microbes, installed within our organism in the form of biofilm, which represent reservoirs of microbes, which can lead, according to the condition of the individual, to chronic infections (cystitis or repeated angina for example). The interest of these aromatic molecules, therefore, lies in the fact that they can reach within these biofilms microbial targets that are difficult to reach by conventional antibiotics, and thus reduce their level of virulence.


Therapeutic application of the essential oil of Oregano

Oregano essential oil can be used in all forms of infectious pathologies. Nevertheless, its irritant and toxic potential will require formal compliance with the precautions for use, as well as preferred oral use in the form of capsules or capsules, in the context of severe, repeated, or stubborn infections.


Digestive infectious disorders

  • Gastroenteritis
  • tourists
  • Dysentery
  • Amebiasis


Urinary tract infections

  • Cystitis
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Urethritis


Gynecological infectious disorders

  • Recurrent mycosis

Respiratory infectious disorders

  • Nasopharyngitis
  • Bronchitis


Skin disorders

  • germ resistant dermatitis
  • stubborn acne


Tropical diseases:

  • malaria

Oregano Essential OIl

Precautions for Oregano Essential Oil


There are other varieties of Oregano essential oils rich in Carvacrol (> 50%):


  • Origanum onites, from Turkey
  • Origanum vulgare subsp. Greece/Turkey hirtum
  • Thymbra capitata from Greece
  • Origanum heracleoticum L. from Greece


Do not confuse Oregano vulgaris or compact with Marjoram with shells (Origanum majorana) whose HE does not contain phenols, even if, formally, oregano bore the name of “Wild Marjoram”


Usage precautions


  • Diffusion and inhalation are not recommended
  • Very irritating essential oil: Cutaneous route with great caution and very dilute (max 5%): preferably seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist specialized in essential oils.
  • Aggressive essential oil for the mucous membranes: Oral use is always very diluted, and preferably in the form of a capsule or capsule
  • No prolonged use without medical or pharmaceutical advice
  • Caution in hepatosensitive people
  • Essential oil is not recommended in case of anticoagulant treatments, coagulation disorders, imminent surgery, or digestive ulcer.


Branding and Package Design of Oregano Essential Oil


Oriental Group provides a complete branding service for clients wishing to penetrate their domestic markets using their very own Oregano Essential Oil Wholesale.




We have many varieties of bottles and containers at our disposal, of course the client may supply their own, or can send us a sample for us to mass produce.




The client can supply their own label or have one produced for them by our team of designers, we can design exactly to your specifications.




We can supply casing solutions to meet any specifications ranging from customized design cases, case printed designs and other custom requirements.


Please contact us with your requirements.


Further, you may please note that we have the strengths and capabilities to deliver the international quality of Oregano Essential Oil. Our additional strength today is the excellent logistic control system, which facilitates faster order processing and shipment. We have even automatized most of the production chain to ensure faster production and accuracy.


FAQ Oregano Essential Oil:


  1. How can I get some samples?


  1. We are honored to offer you samples. New clients are expected to pay for the courier cost, the samples are free for you, and this charge will be deducted from the payment for the formal order.


  1. Regarding the courier cost: You can arrange an RPI (remote pick-up) service with FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc. To have the samples collected, or inform us your DHL collection account. Then you can pay the freight direct to your local carrier company.


  1. How does your Oregano Essential Oil do regarding quality control?


  1. Quality is a priority! Every worker keeps the QC from the very beginning to the very end:


All raw materials we used is environmental-friendly.


  1. Skilful workers care every detail in handing the stamping, printing, stitching, packing process.


  1. Quality control department especially responsible for quality checking in each process.


  1. Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods?


  1. Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packing box, for patent protection purpose, a letter of attorney (letter of authorization) shall be provided for the logo.


  1. We usually produce goods based on customer’s samples or based on customers’ picture, logo, and sizes etc. detail information design for customers.



Company Information:

Oriental Group

N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem

Route de Safi

40 000 Marrakech



Tel: +212 524 335 449

MOB: +212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)

Fax: +212 524 457 961


E-mail :


Juniper Essential Oil

Juniper Essential Oil

Juniper is well known for its blueberries which perfume sauerkraut, the essential oil of juniper extracted from the branches brings beautiful analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. The essential oil extracted from juniper berries will be more specifically anti-lithiasis but also drains the liver and the pancreas.


History of Juniper Essential Oil 

It is an evergreen shrub of the cypress family that is easily found on dry soils, moors, in the plains, and at altitudes up to 3,000 m. Its reddish-brown trunk bears branches with sharp leaves, which end in sharp points.


The green berries ripen in 2 years to take on their dark blue color. They have been used since antiquity as a sudorific, depurative, digestive, diuretic, and urinary antiseptic, and against gout. 

Properties of juniper essential oil

The properties of juniper essential oil are explained by the presence of active compounds originally present in the berries of Juniperus communis.

  • For health

Diuretic, fluid regulator

The richness of the oil in alpha-pinene and terpinen-4-ol facilitates the drainage of the urinary and biliary tracts, as well as the excretion of water.



Juniper essential oil contains a large number of monoterpenes (myrcene, sabinene, pinenes, widdrene) capable of combating rheumatic and neuralgia pain such as sciatica.


Other properties:

-Kidney purifier


-Brain tonic


  • For the well-being


A general tonic and stimulant

Thanks to its richness in monoterpenes, juniper essential oil is a general tonic and stimulant for the body. This property is explained by the stimulation of the adrenal cortex.


Indications of juniper essential oil


Juniper oil has multiple indications thanks to the many properties described above.

  • For health


Muscle and joint pain

The analgesic properties of the oil allow it to be recommended for people with pain of various origins: body aches, arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism.


Kidney and urinary disorders

Juniper essential oil is a renal purifier and can therefore be indicated to treat renal lithiasis and urinary tract infections.


Digestive cures

The depurative properties of the oil mean that it is also used as a cure for poisoning and digestive disorders.



It also has anti-fatigue properties that make it useful in case of fatigue or viral or bacterial infection (chickenpox, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, etc.)


Some skin problems

As juniper oil is draining, it can be used to treat various skin disorders: acne, various dermatoses and dermatitis (skin inflammation), skin infections (furuncle, impetigo, mycosis, shingles, paronychia), skin oily, dull skin and tired, bruised feet, etc.

Juniper Essential Oil

  • For the well-being


Insomnia, anxiety

In diffusion, thanks to an essential oil diffuser, the oil can help to find sleep and calm thanks to its relaxing and sedative properties.


Other indications:

-Anguish and anxiety

-Psychic shock (mourning, etc.)

-Latent depression: in olfaction

-Physical and mental fatigue

-Changing moods (cyclothymia)

-Nervousness and inner restlessness



Uses of Juniper Essential Oil


Juniper essential oil can be used in very different ways for a wide spectrum of conditions and symptoms. Nevertheless, in case of doubt, it is recommended to contact a professional in order to collect personalized and secure information, adapted to your medical situation, your profile, and your age.


Cutaneous application, massage


For all skin problems, dilute 1 drop of essential oil with at least 4 drops of vegetable oil, then apply and massage the affected area.


  • For pain: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the affected part.
  • Aches: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the affected part.
  • Arthritis, osteoarthritis: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the affected part.
  • Rheumatism: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the part concerned.
  • To stimulate the immune system: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the back and soles of the feet.
  • For fatigue: dilute with vegetable oil and massage along the spine.
  • In case of infections: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the back and the soles of the feet.
  • For kidney disorders: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the back (at the level of the kidneys).
  • Feet (tired, bruised, etc.): in a footbath.
  • For skin disorders: dilute with vegetable oil and apply to the affected parts.
  • Dull, mature, oily skin: dilute with vegetable oil or cream
  • Renal lithiasis: dilute with vegetable oil, massage the back (at the level of the kidneys)
  • Urinary infections: dilute with vegetable oil and massage the back (at the level of the kidneys)


Branding and Package Design of Juniper Essential Oil


Oriental Group provides a complete branding service for clients wishing to penetrate their domestic markets using their very own Juniper Essential Oil Wholesale.




We have many varieties of bottles and containers at our disposal, of course, the client may supply their own, or can send us a sample for us to mass produce.




The client can supply their own label or have one produced for them by our team of designers, we can design exactly to your specifications.




We can supply casing solutions to meet any specifications ranging from customized design cases, case printed designs and other custom requirements.


Please contact us with your requirements.


Further, you may please note that we have the strengths and capabilities to deliver international quality Juniper Essential Oil. Our additional strength today is the excellent logistic control system, which facilitates faster order processing and shipment. We have even automatized most of the production chain to ensure faster production and accuracy.

FAQ Juniper Essential Oil:


  1. How can I get some samples?


  1. We are honored to offer you samples. New clients are expected to pay for the courier cost, the samples are free for you, and this charge will be deducted from the payment for the formal order.


  1. Regarding the courier cost: You can arrange an RPI (remote pick-up) service with FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc. To have the samples collected, or inform us of your DHL collection account. Then you can pay the freight direct to your local carrier company.


  1. What does your Juniper Essential Oil do regarding quality control?


  1. Quality is a priority! Every worker keeps the QC from the very beginning to the very end:


All raw materials we used is environmental-friendly.


  1. Skillful workers care about every detail in handling the stamping, printing, stitching, and packing process.


  1. The quality control department is specially responsible for quality checking in each process.


  1. Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods?


  1. Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packing box, for patent protection purposes, a letter of attorney (letter of authorization) shall be provided for the logo.


  1. We usually produce goods based on customers’ samples or based on customers’ pictures, logos, sizes etc. detailed information design for customers.


Company Information:


Oriental Group

N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem

Route de Safi

40 000 Marrakech



Tel: +212 524 335 449

MOB: +212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)

Fax: +212 524 457 961


E-mail :