We accept the payments by the averagesfollowing:
At the addresses of our offices :N ° 200 Lot Al Massar, Industrial Zone sidi ghanème, road of Safi 40 100 Marrakech.
The delay for validation : Your payment will be validated with the reception.
To be sent by the AMANA Service or Mail recommended of the Post Office of Morocco to our address :
ORIENTAL GROUP N ° 200 Lot Al Massar, Industrial Zone sidi ghanème, road of Safi 40 100 Marrakech.
Please note on the back of the check the order number and your direct telephone number..
The delay for validation : Your payment will be validated uponreceipt of your check.
Send the amount of yourinvoice to LACHGAR HICHAM
It isnecessary to enter the order number on the proof of payment and sendit by email to [email protected] by fax to +212.524.45.79.61 to activate the order.
Note :WafaCash transaction fees are not the responsibility of the ORIENTAL GROUP, please do not forget to takethemintoconsiderationwhenmakingyour payment.
The delay for validation : Your payment will be validated on the sameday, if donebefore 15:00.
Western Union
Send the amount of yourinvoice to LACHGAR HICHAM
It isnecessary to enter the order number on the proof of payment and sendit by email to [email protected] by fax to +212.524.45.79.61 to activate the order.
Note :Western Union transaction fees are not the responsibility of the ORIENTAL GROUP, please do not forget to takethemintoconsiderationwhenmakingyour payment.
The delay for validation : Your payment will be validated on the sameday, if donebefore 15:00.
Bank Transfer
Bank transfer or cash payment at anyagencyAL BARID BANK.
- Account number: 5473710
- RIB : 350810000000000547371076
- IBAN : MA64350810000000000547371076
It isnecessary to enter the order number on the proof of payment and sendit by email to [email protected] or by fax to +212.524.45.79.61 to activate the order.
The delay for validation:
Thesedelaysdepend on the issuing and receivingbanks, they will berespectedapartfrom the cases of delay or errorcaused by them.
– Cash payment: Within 24 hoursafteryour payment transaction (excludingholidays and weekends).
– account to accounttransfer: Within 48 hours of yourbanktransfer (excludingbankholidays and weekends).
– International transfer: Takes an average of 12 days to be validated on our bankaccount.
In case of transferfrom a country outside Morocco, you must provide an additional charge of at least 25 Euros for international banktransferfees.
Any order thatdoes not respect this condition will onlybeprocessedafterreceipt of the additional payment.
Transactions are secured by PayPal.
The link for payment is: www.paypal.me/ORIENTALGROUP
The delay for validation: Your payment will be validated the sameday, if performedduringworkinghours.
Payment by Paypalisreserved for customersoutside Morocco.
Paymentsfrom Morocco via Paypaltake longer to beprocessedbecause of the manual validation thatwe do, in order to avoidlitigation files open on the PayPal platform, caused by manyfraudulentpaymentsfrom Morocco; Wethereforesuggest to our customers in Morocco to pay by a meansotherthanPaypal.